Archiving for future – for Us – for Every one…

Support us

Sanchi Foundation ® is a not for profit organisation working in the field of audiovisual documentation. Work of Sanchi Foundation happens through community participation and the creative content, knowledge archive created through these community efforts will remain in public domain for the use of world community. We would like to take its work to as many people as possible. But it will reach to more people only if you participate. It’s a community cause. Come join us. Here are some ways in which you can join hands.


Engage | Participate | Donate | Think beyond

Talk about us

Sanchi Foundation’s work is in public domain. We are present in many social media platforms. We try to reach out to as many as possible. But this will be a success only if you start talking about us. So do share our posts, projects, websites, in all social media platforms you might be present in. let all your friends know about us, so that we can grow as a community.

So… Like – Share – Subscribe!


Help us create subtitles. Many of our works are in Kannada. In order to reach out to those who don’t understand Kannada, we need to create subtitles. Do you know French? German? Wow! That wonderful. Help us translate our work to those languages. Let us offer the knowledge from Kannada to the world community. Its a community work for the global community of like minded people.

Play the video to know how to do it.

Share your knowledge

Do you have some rare video / sound / picture of great historical, cultural relevance? Do you own the copy rights to it? Would you like to share it with the world community? You can share the content with us, and we will publish it here for the benefit of world community. Sanchi Foundation will not have any rights on your work. You will be credited duly for the work.

Play the video to know more about Creative Commons.

Donate to Sanchi

In spite of huge community participation, in many occasions, we have to hire professional help for few projects. Equipment costs, web hosting charges, stationary costs, traveling expenses and so on can some times become a challenge for a not for profit organizations like us. Your generous contributions would help us here.

So you can support us by donations.