Completing 25 years of existence is a major achievement for an independent institution. Dr. Jyotsna Jha, who has been the Director of the CBPS for the previous 13 years, talks about the identity of CBPS, the vision they have and the work that they do. The presentation provides a brief overview of the institutional journey while acknowledging the role of diverse stakeholders in the process. She also introduces the theme of the conference: “Institutions and Public Policy” and discusses why this is an important topic in contemporary times and space.
CBPS@25 I Sarojini G Thakur I Understanding gender, policy and public space using ‘Public Lenses’ Sarojini Ganju Thakur, Retired civil servant and Chairperson, Indian Institute of Social Studies Trust, New Delhi, as the lead speaker for the session on Gender and Public Spaces, delves into the issue of gender and...